
Kevin Rose

updated 13 Jun 2023

Kevin Rose is an American entrepreneur, investor, and internet personality. He gained prominence as the co-founder of Digg, a popular social news website, in 2004. Kevin Rose has been involved in various startups and venture capital investments throughout his career. He co-founded Revision3, a web television company, and served as the CEO of Milk, a mobile app development company. Additionally, he has made angel investments in numerous successful companies, including Twitter, Facebook, and Square. As for his beliefs, Kevin Rose has shown an interest in technology, startups, and investing. He has a strong presence in the tech and startup communities and has shared insights and advice through interviews, podcasts, and other platforms. He is an avid guest on the Tim Ferris podcast, and when he is on the show it is considered an episode of "the random show". He also recently appeared on the My First Million podcast

Kevin Rose on My First Million