
Nietzsche and Morality | The Higher Man and The Herd | Academy of Ideas

updated 21 Aug 2023

Friedrich Nietzsche's contemplation of the impact of morality and the rise of an "anti-natural" morality form the basis of this transcript. Nietzsche criticizes the dominant moral judgments of good and evil that have prevailed in Western civilization for the past two millennia. He identifies the dangers of an anti-natural morality and explores the impact of this morality on different types of individuals: the higher man and the herd.

Nietzsche and Morality | The Higher Man and The Herd | Academy of Ideas

Main Ideas:

  1. The Dangers of Anti-Natural Morality:

  2. Categorizing Individuals: Higher Man vs. Herd:

  3. The Perils of Herd Morality:


Nietzsche's exploration of morality's impact on human potential and greatness continues to hold relevance today. His critique of anti-natural morality and his distinction between the higher man and the herd highlight the ongoing tension between individual excellence and societal pressure for conformity. Nietzsche's concerns about the dominance of herd morality remain a cautionary message about the potential dangers of stifling human potential and creativity in the pursuit of comfort and equality.