
Why the Soviet Weightlifting System is Effective | Pavel Tsatsouline | Joe Rogan

updated 06 Dec 2023

In this Joe Rogan Experience conversation, Pavel discusses various approaches to strength training, exploring methods like step loading, wave loading, and variable loading. Drawing from the Soviet weightlifting system, he emphasizes the importance of empirical knowledge, optimal training parameters, and the enduring effectiveness of these principles, shedding light on the nuances of adaptation and training cycles. While not widely known in the U.S., Pavel advocates for the implementation of these methods for stable and long-lasting strength gains.

Why the Soviet Weightlifting System is Effective | Pavel Tsatsouline | Joe Rogan

  1. Introduction:

  2. Step Loading:

  3. Wave Loading (Cycling):

  4. Variable Loading:

  5. Optimal Parameters:

  6. Application and Acceptance:

  7. Conclusion: