
Naval Ravikant

updated 01 Jul 2023

Naval Ravikant is an entrepreneur, angel investor, and thinker known for his insights on startups, investing, and personal development. While I don't have access to real-time information, as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Naval Ravikant was a prominent figure in the technology and venture capital industry. He co-founded Epinions, a consumer review site, and later served as the CEO and a co-founder of AngelList, a platform that connects startups with investors.

Naval gained significant recognition through his Twitter account, where he shared profound thoughts on various topics such as entrepreneurship, wealth creation, happiness, and philosophy. His tweets and podcast appearances garnered a large following and established him as a respected voice in the startup and self-improvement communities.

Naval is known for advocating principles such as long-term thinking, the pursuit of knowledge, financial independence, and mindfulness. He often explores the intersection of technology, economics, and human well-being, providing insights into personal growth and achieving success in a rapidly changing world.

His Tweet Thread, How to get rich without being lucky, is almost a framework for how to get rich, but I would avoid labeling it a framework. Its about cultivating skills that will get you rich if you were plopped in 1000 universes, you get rich 999 times, and not 1 time. The tweet thread was later turned into a podcast where Naval expanded upon each tweet.

He has also appeared on many podcasts, some of the most popular being the Joe Rogan Podcast and Tim Ferris podcast

The Most Important Skills to Get Rich

Naval Ravikant the Most Important Skills to Get Rich

  1. Success is not solely determined by hard work: Simply working hard or putting in long hours does not guarantee wealth. Knowing what to do, who to work with, and when to take action are also crucial factors.

  2. Perpetual learning is essential: Becoming a perpetual learner is the most important skill for achieving wealth. Being able to learn anything you want, whether it's from books on various subjects or acquiring new skills, is crucial. Naval advises developing the ability to read any book without fear and recommends focusing on solid foundational knowledge in fields such as mathematics, hard sciences, and microeconomics.

  3. Focus on high-quality foundations: It's important to build a solid foundation of knowledge by sticking to science, basics, and the classics. By reading original works from influential figures, you can establish a robust worldview and understanding, allowing you to evaluate new information more accurately.

  4. Mastery in one or two areas: While having a broad range of knowledge is valuable, achieving mastery is typically limited to one or two areas. By sinking a significant amount of time into specific fields of interest and becoming obsessed with them, you can attain expertise.

  5. Wisdom acquisition as a moral duty: Naval believes that acquiring wisdom is not just a means of advancing in life, but a moral duty. Lifelong learning is essential for personal growth and success, as demonstrated by the achievements of great individuals and companies like Berkshire Hathaway.

  6. Learning as the method of progress: Civilization has progressed rapidly because of the invention of the method of invention itself. Similarly, personal progress and success come from learning the method of learning. Continuous learning, reading, and engaging with knowledgeable individuals are vital for advancement.

In summary, Naval Ravikant emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, building a strong foundation of knowledge, and focusing on the right areas to achieve mastery. He highlights the significance of understanding how to learn and adapt, as well as the moral duty of acquiring wisdom throughout life.

11 Rules For Life with Naval Ravikant

11 Rules to Live By w/ Naval

  1. Be ready to start over: Don't be afraid to change paths and start anew if necessary. Starting over can lead to new opportunities for growth.

  2. When inspired, act immediately: Inspiration is perishable, so when you feel inspired to take action, don't hesitate. Seize the moment and act on your ideas.

  3. Choose to be yourself: Embrace your uniqueness and don't try to emulate others. Find your own path and leverage your specific knowledge, capabilities, and desires.

  4. Do what feels like play to you, but looks like work to others: Find work that you enjoy and are passionate about. When you love what you do, it doesn't feel like work to you, but it can be valuable and useful to others.

  5. Choose your desires carefully: Be mindful of your desires and focus on one thing at a time. Having too many desires can cloud your peace and happiness.

  6. Fall in love with reading: Cultivate a habit of reading every day. It doesn't matter what you read; the important thing is to engage with ideas and information that can improve your life.

  7. Master the basics: Rather than focusing on memorizing advanced concepts, develop a deep understanding of the basics. A strong foundation in the fundamentals is more valuable than superficial knowledge of advanced topics.

  8. Be an owner: Instead of renting out your time for a salary, aim to own a business or have equity in a venture. Ownership allows for non-linear wealth creation and gives you control over your financial future.

  9. Use the new leverage: Leverage technology and the power of code to create new opportunities. The new generation of wealth is often built through coding, media, and leveraging digital platforms.

  10. Seek accountability, not authority: Focus on taking responsibility for your own actions and outcomes rather than seeking authority over others. Accountability leads to personal growth and success.

  11. Embrace the power of compounding: Understand the power of compounding, both in financial investments and personal growth. Small consistent actions and learning compound over time and lead to significant results.