
Yuval Noah Harari: Human Nature, Intelligence, Power, and Conspiracies | Lex Fridman Podcast

updated 17 Aug 2023

"If we now find ourselves inside this kind of world of illusions, created by an alien intelligence that we don't understand, but it understands us, this is a kind of, you know, spiritual enslavement that we won't be able to break out of, because it understands us, it understands how to manipulate us, but we don't understand what is behind this screen of stories and images and songs. The following is a conversation with Yuval Noah Harari, a historian, philosopher, and author of several highly acclaimed, highly influential books, including "Sapiens", "Homo Deus", and "21 Lessons for the 21st Century". He is also an outspoken critic of Benjamin Netanyahu, and the current right wing government in Israel. So, while much of this conversation is about the history and future of human civilization, we also discuss the political turmoil of present day Israel, providing a different perspective from that of my recent conversation with Benjamin Netanyahu. This is the Lex Fridman podcast. To support it, please check out our sponsors in the description. And now, dear friends, here's Yuval Noah Harari."

- Lex Fridman on his conversation with Yuval

Yuval Noah Harari: Human Nature, Intelligence, Power, and Conspiracies | Lex Fridman Podcast

Intelligence & Consciousness

Origin of Humans

What is Suffering


Benjamin Netanyahu

Peace in Ukraine

Conspiracy Theories

Threat of AI

AI Safety

How to Think

Advice for Young People

Lessons About Love


Meaning of Life